The Bible: Giving the New Year a Kick-Start


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Giving the New Year a Kick-Start

Isaiah 42:9 Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things i declare, before they spring forth i tell you of them."

Here we are once again - at the beginning of a New Year - a time for reevaluation and a season of new beginnings.

How many times in life have we started a new year without realizing the goals we had set before us or even taken the time to evaluate why those goals weren't made? We cannot live on yesterday's blessings nor should we dwell on yesterday's failures and disappointments.

This is a time to forget the past and move forward into the present and the future. Many people all over the world are in the process of making New Year's resolutions, of which many of them will never come to pass.

For us as Bible believing Christians this is an opportunity to look back over the past year to see if we were able to make all of the desired changes we set out to do.

* The beginning of a New Year can be a season of new beginnings for us.

* "It's a time to look ahead with a sense of anicipation and excitement towards the new things God wants to do in our lives.

* It is a season of setting new goals and putting into effect those things needed to realize our goals.

* It is a season to forgetting the past failures and strive towards new opportunities.

God desire that we be filled with a sense of newness and fresness of what He desire and wants to do in our lives. He desires greatly for us to be filled with a renewed sense of purpose and destiny. This is what is really needed before we can give ourselves a good kick start.

The beautiful thing about being a Christian and knowing the Lord is that we don't have to live our lives in guilt and condemnation for our failures and un-achieved goals. We get to wipe the slate clean and start over. God doesn't hold our past against us as long as we sincerely repent and continually press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Any attempt to dwell on the past, would be granting our present lives. We are a new creation in Christ every day of our lives.

We can experience newness if we stay with God and do His will. Newness comes by letting go of the past, by hungering and thirsting for it and by allowing God to renew our spirit.

We can kick start our new year: by relying on the Holy Spirit to help and equip us. Build on past successes and learn from past failures. We should have a great expectation in our hearts that new things and new seasons are going to break forth in our lives because this is God's desire towards us. It's just a matter of us agreeing with God's will and purpose for our lives.

Philippians 1:6 He who has already been doing a good work in you is going to keep on doing it until Jesus returns


  1. We should not dwell on our past failures and never worry about the future as long as we stay with God and follow His ways. He would continue to guide and direct so that we can live a meaningful life with Him.
    Kenneth Copeland

  2. oh yes Kenneth Copeland!! thanks
